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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs


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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs announces the admission of foreign citizens in 2016 under the following specialties:

  • Jurisprudence
  • Psychology
  • Finances, Banking, and Insurance
  • Law Enforcement Activity
  • Cybersecurity.

Students will be able to study full-time and part-time education forms. After graduation following education and qualification levels are to be assigned:

  • Bachelor
  • Specialist
  • Master (MA)

Facts that you should know about Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs:

  • The territory of the University is more than 21 hectares, where there are office buildings, dormitories, developed complex of canteens, cafes, cafeterias (with access to Wi-Fi), rest areas, parks, play areas, banking department of "Oshchadbank," clothing and footwear repair and tailoring shop, barbershop.
  • The University has developed sports facilities, including five gyms, three wrestling gyms, two gaming halls, and a summer complex with volleyball, football, and basketball courts.
  • Classrooms and lecture halls are equipped with multimedia complexes, stands, scientific manuals, modern libraries with the most extensive library collections, and Internet access.
  • International students will be accommodated in a separate dormitory block for a fee specified in the price list, with 2-4 person rooms and all the necessary conditions of life: washing machines, showers with boilers, TV, kitchen rooms, places for self-training. The dormitory is located within a protected area of the University with an established access mode that provides additional security.
  • Because Ukraine has entered into agreements and continues to cooperate in the field of education with other countries, including Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, a diploma of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is recognized in the country of an applicant.
  • Furthermore, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is one of the leading higher education establishments and has the highest - IV accreditation level.

When the applicant asks what University to choose, the answer is obvious - Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. This year we offer very favorable and attractive prices for you. Welcome to the University to study and become a part of a large and friendly family.

The main direction of scientific activity at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is the conduction of research directed on solving the tasks of Ukraine's practical police divisions. Scientific and research activity at the University is realized by scientific and pedagogical personnel of the chairs and laboratories (these are 31 chars at the University, three chairs in Sumy branch, scientific and research laboratory on crimes' prevention and community policing, scientific and research laboratory on problems of training process organization), personnel of other divisions, post-graduate students, cadets, students. Scientists of the University closely cooperate with practitioners of different police divisions.

  • Joining international police organizations and educational establishments.
  • Making unilateral and multilateral agreements with higher education law enforcement establishments, foreign police scientific organizations, and associations.
  • Establishing and maintaining contacts with foreign embassies, representatives of international organizations.
  • Realization of joint projects on actual scientific problems (training of high-qualified police officers combating organized crime, human trafficking fighting against drug abuse, weapon trafficking) with foreign colleagues.
  • Exchange of cadets, students, and professors to improve their professional level.
  • Organization and participation in international projects (conferences, exhibitions, schools, seminars, scholarships, etc.).

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs cooperates with foreign educational and scientific centres. The most effective relations have been developed with the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, etc. An international department is a structural unit for coordination of international activity at the University. 

NGO "Association of Veterans of Internal Affairs Agencies at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs" was founded February 2, 2012, by the veterans of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs aiming to protect their social and other interests. The Organization acts within Kharkiv City.

Association's activity involves people with the status "Veteran of Internal Affairs Agencies," who served at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs on rank and file and command positions before their retirement.

Association independently from all political parties and movements participates in the social and political life of the state, continually cooperates with government agencies, local authorities, Association of Veterans of Ukraine, other organizations, which main goals are the economic and spiritual formation of Ukraine, peace, and harmony in the society and which stand on principles of social and economical guaranteeing for veterans of war, labor, service, internal affairs agencies and all citizens of declining years.

The Association activity's main aim is to guarantee social justice, the priority of universal values comprehensive protection of legal rights, social, economic, age and other interests of its members, educational activity and increasing the image of police officers' professions.

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