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National Chung Cheng University


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Earnestness is an ideal, a mentality, as well as an action. Earnestness is exhibited by thinking positively, aspiring on the bright side, and following the right path with perseverance to realize an ideal. Innovation is one of the significant functions of university research. Pursuing the truth and discovering /creating new knowledge are all acts of innovation. Being virtuous encompasses accepting traditional virtues, following modern norms, and possessing forward-thinking and values.
Adopting localization and real-world experience strategies, CCU aims to meet the industrial needs in the Chiayi –Tainan Region. We strive to improve our research and development capacity, enhance practical training for our faculty and students, and cultivate a competitive spirit in the students. Furthermore, we ponder the trend of human needs in our future living, actively engage in cooperative projects with other research centers – both domestically and internationally, and thus return the favor to our society.
The University Emblem of National Chung Cheng University, designed by Professor Mao-sheng Su of National Normal University, was approved by the First Committee for Faculty Senate on October 18th, 1988. The design of the Emblem includes two parts: the two central characters of 'Chung Cheng' and the five pen-pointed tips which symbolize the five founding colleges of the university (College of Humanities, College of Sciences, College of Social Sciences, College of Engineering, and College of Management). We hope that CCU will reach its goal of providing higher education in the areas of humanities, social sciences, and science and technologies through the five colleges' collaboration. The Emblem signifies the spirit of our perpetual striving for self-improvement.
As a research-oriented University, CCU aims to provide students with advanced skills and profound knowledge in humanities, sciences, technology, law, and management. With the education of liberal arts and sciences, CCU expects students to learn to effectively deal with the complexity of the 21st century's challenges.
The breeding of talents is the most important mission of a university. The goal of the National Chung Cheng University is to incubate and breed professionals in various areas of expertise, skilled in problem-solving for both technology and humanities. First-year students of National Chung Cheng University are ranked among the top 15% to ~20% in the General Scholastic Ability Test. The school aims to train students with the right attitude to pursue excellence and encourage them to accomplish great things in life. While perceiving our students as "future highly talented persons," we uphold the founding President Dr. Ching-Jiang Lin's spirit of "beyond traditional teaching," making improvement and innovation in teaching at all levels.
The world today is in an era of globalization. Knowledge and talents are flowing globally. Therefore, globalization is not an idea or action anymore, but the future trend of life. Based on this consideration, when we consider globalization topics in the future, we should not be limited to the level of international exchange or international flow of talents in universities. Instead, we should also think about how we can teach our students to be well-prepared in advance to lead a globalized lifestyle. As a result, our students will possess global competitiveness and mobility.
University has the mission to serve society and to promote national development. In this era of globalization, we also have the responsibility to contribute to the welfare of humanity. In the future, as far as social responsibility is concerned, the university will be more actively engaged in projects with collaboration among the industry, government, and academia, strengthen the cooperation between the Southwest regional government or legal research entities cooperate with the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum establish a regional university-industry alliance to promote technological upgrading and industrial restructuring so the university can be deeply rooted in the community and contribute to the village cooperate with the Chiayi County and City governments and conduct projects for the city government and strengthen the interactions with the local promote and deepen the local cultural activities, so that the local community and the university may grow together and strive for our mutual welfare.

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