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Widyatama University


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Widyatama University is a higher education institution that is entirely the result of long-term goals and aspirations. It purposed to realize the educational eagerness initiated and born from the founders’ idealism, starting with the accounting education program in 1973. The journey resulted in establishing four academies, by Decree of the Minister of National Education no. 137 / D / O / 2001 dated 2 August 2001, and changed to Widyatama University with five faculties.
The challenges faced by universities are not limited to the above responsibilities. 
The trust given by the parents of students, society, and employment will lead to the achievement of our common goals, which is a qualified Indonesian human accompanied by excellent and decent moralities. Widyatama University widely opens the opportunity to whom they may concern to gain knowledge. In this regard, the Handbook for prospective students interested in continuing their studies at Widyatama University is necessarily dealing with getting adequate information.
Widyatama University was established on August 2, 2001, based on the Decree of Minister of National Education no. 137 / D / 0/2001. Widyatama University is a merger of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bandung (STIEB), Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Bahasa Bandung (STIBB), Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bandung (STTBW), Sekolah Tinggi Desain Komunikasi Visual (STDKV) and Magister of Management. The incorporation of the academy into the University of Widyatama is purposed to create students become highly competitive graduates. The further step carried out by Widyatama University is developing a serious and consistent effort to realize an education service system by ISO-9001: 2008 standard.
Vision Adaptability Being capable university in producing noble-minded human resources, professional in their fields, and adaptable person towards technology, science, and art in a global environment. Mission Value Creation, Organizing educational program, research, and community service programs that support the development and application of science, technology, and art. Creating a supportive environment regarding the implementation of teaching and learning activities and efficient and effective research can produce creative and innovative graduates. Striving for the relevance of all academic activities in the form of a noble-minded person. Cooperating with various institutions, both domestic and abroad, for the up-to-date learning process.

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