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Strathalbyn Christian College


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For Geraldton Christian families to whom their children must be taught the same faith and principles at school as at home, Strathalbyn Christian College is the only school in the Geraldton area that delivers education, character development, and skills from within a Biblical life and worldview. Unlike any other school in Geraldton, Strathalbyn Christian College teaches each subject’s curriculum from a biblical worldview. It can genuinely foster Christian character development because its staff is committed Christians who aim to handle each situation by imitating Christ and impacting students with the reality of a living faith.
A child’s ability is a unique gift from God that needs encouragement and nurturing. We have an environment at our College where students can understand who they are in Christ and that they can achieve their full potential through Him. We seek to equip our students with the truth to Engage with their culture, Critique the good and bad aspects accurately, and vision their part in Transforming culture. Strathalbyn Christian College started from humble beginnings 38 years ago.
Our College exists for Geraldton Christian families, who believe it is essential that their children are taught the same faith principles at home. Strathalbyn Christian College is the only school in the Geraldton area, which delivers education, character development, and skills from a biblical life and worldview framework. Unlike any other school in Geraldton, Strathalbyn Christian College teaches each subject’s curriculum from a Biblical worldview and can genuinely foster Christian character development.
For this reason, We believe it is the best school in Geraldton for my family. We could espouse comparison with other schools and provide the data to suggest that we rank right up there as one of the Best Colleges in the State. But what sets this educational institution apart from all others is our staff. Not because we turn out the most doctors or lawyers or gain headlines for the highest university entrance scores, mind you – that does happen. It is something much more important and fundamental than that. The staff at Strathalbyn Christian College take seriously the challenge of partnering with parents to educate the whole child, whatever their innate abilities and talents might be.

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