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Tomsk State Pedagogical University


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Tomsk State Pedagogical University was founded in 1902 and is the oldest educational institution in Siberia. TSPU today is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Russia. It researches a wide range of priority directions. TSPU has a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff: five corresponding state academies, four Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Overall, the number of specialists with academic degrees and titles in the University personnel exceeds 80%. Two scientific schools of TSPU (in physics and biology) have a formal status of "leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation" and the President of the Russian Federation's corresponding grants. According to Forbes magazine, a professor of TSPU, a theoretical physicist Odintsov, S.D., entered the number of 10 most well-known Russian scientists.
According to the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), as of the beginning of 2013, TSPU was ranked 19th among other universities of the Russian Federations in the volume of citation of scientific publications and is in the top ten of all the universities in Russia in terms of specific citation and H-index citation. Research directions related to the development of pedagogics, methodology, and theory of professional Education have a long tradition in TSPU: TSPU is one of the few pedagogical institutions of higher education, where an entire series of textbooks for schools have been developed, including those, which entered the federal list of school textbooks. The level of scientific activity at Tomsk Pedagogical State University places it among the top 12 universities in Russia. Our University is currently ranked 8th among all of the universities in Russia and 1st among Education Universities by the Hirsh citation index.
The University implements a continuous education system based on a multi-level training system, career enhancement training, and retraining, post-graduate and doctoral programs. Training of Ph.D. candidates is carried out in 11 academic specialties, and post-graduate students' training is carried out in 34 academic specialties. On a level of international relations, TSPU has leading positions among pedagogical universities: the University is a member of the International Association of Universities, a recurrent winner within the framework of the Consortium of Russian Universities and the European Union contest for participation in the European academic program Erasmus Mundus (Erasmus Mundus Action2multic). The students of TSPU participate in academic exchanges with universities of Poland, Japan, Norway, the United States, Mongolia, Austria, and Italy. International students have an opportunity to attend Russian language courses.

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