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St Dominic Savio School


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Saint Dominic Savio School is a traditional Catholic establishment. It is open to boys and girls from Kindergarten (5 years of age before July of the current school year) to Year 6. Saint Dominic Savio School is a church's work: the church must exercise its full influence of "Mother and Mistress of Life and Truth." In this spirit, the school wants to practice the church's doctrine on education, mostly as it is resumed by Pope Pius XI in his encyclical Divini Illius Magistri.
Education essentially consists of man's formation, teaching him what he must be and how he must act here below to attain the sublime end for which he was created. It is thus clear that there can be no complete and perfect education outside of Catholic education.
The Society of Saint Piux X has been present in Sydney since 1983. As the members of the parish and regular attendance at the church increased, repeated requests from parents dissatisfied with the quality of education in the Catholic Education System prompted the Fathers to establish a school which was profoundly Catholic in its philosophy, discipline, and education which advocated and imparted to its pupils: Catholic ideals, knowledge of the Faith and the pursuit of virtue, while at the same time striving for academic excellence in all fields.
To remain faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ, our school follows the Tradition of the Catholic Church, notably by its exclusive attachment to the Tridentine Mass and the traditional catechism. Jesus Christ reigns over our school by the truth of the catechism taught each day, by regular prayer, especially by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at which the children assist each week. All of the subjects are taught in the light of the Catholic Faith. Education is cooperation with the action of God's grace; solid piety and the regular reception of the sacraments will nourish in the children the life of sanctifying grace without which no education can be accomplished.
Our school exists in order to facilitate the child's scholarly and intellectual duty to the state. The teaching that is given does not aim at giving a disorderly accumulation of information. However, the intelligence's formation to acquire a sound judgment and a taste for the truth, based on a solid knowledge in principle subjects. Some of the school's activities are specially conceived to nourish the healthy relationship with reality that the intelligence needs to develop naturally: science class, school outings, and crafts.
Education will not be complete if the will and the character are not formed to desire and attach themselves to what is right. The school rules are a privileged means for forming children who are balanced, generous, docile, capable of mastering themselves and moved by the love of God and neighbor.
Teaching the children to recognize and appreciate real beauty nourishes their attraction for the truth. This education can be developed by numerous aspects of life in our school: the Liturgy, the school uniform, singing, music, drawing, well-kept notebooks, beautiful handwriting, the decoration of the classes throughout the year. By these means, the sensibility is deepened and tempered.

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