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Altai State University


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Altai State University is one of the leading Russian classical higher education institutions established in 1973. It is a significant educational, research, and cultural center located in the Asian part of the country, integrated into the international academic community, training the intellectual elite, and conducting high-impact research. ASU consists of 12 faculties Institute for Additional Education, four scientific research institutes, more than 30 applied research laboratories and research centers, 15 of which are SB RAS joint laboratories 14 scholar schools, 2 of which have been acknowledged to be the leading scholar schools of Russia science museums network library with the collection of more than 1 million units.
The University develops in the framework of 12 core and 45 additional scientific areas with the highest priority in agro bio-industry biotechnology biomedicine food and ecological security physics mathematical modeling of natural, technological, social and economic processes information technologies innovational development of Siberian economy geo-ecological monitoring nanotechnology. The University employs more than 2,500 people, 1,000 of whom are teaching staff and scientific workers, including four academicians and three corresponding RAS members, 139 Doctors, and 576 Candidates of Science.
The University takes one of the top places in Siberia in terms of the number of students being trained (around 13,000 students, more than 3,000 yearly graduates). The number of international students, coming mostly from Asian countries, is increasing annually by 50%. Altai State University is a member of influential international organizations such as Shanghai Cooperation Organization University, Eurasian Universities Association, Asian Universities Association, Association of the Universities of the Far East and Siberia of the Russian Federation and North-Eastern Regions of China, International Association for Continuing Education, Asia-Pacific Quality Network.
Altai State University (ASU), being one of the most important centers of academic education and research and socio-cultural complex in Siberia and the Far East, serves to provide a distinguished learning environment for undergraduate and graduate students in many scholarly and professional fields, meeting the needs of modern knowledge-based post-industrial society, and contributing to the development of the region.
ASU strives to provide the continuous education of the highest level by promoting free thinking and exchange of ideas and enabling students to take the best advantage of their educational opportunities conducting research and contributing to society's economic and cultural life, including global issues.
ASU aims to improve faculty capacity and material and technical basis to link its research and teaching at the highest world level. It actively promotes international cooperation and strategic collaboration with neighboring countries of Asia (Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, etc.) in science, education, and culture.
Our University is the first institution of classical education in Altai. It has rich traditions, fame, and high intellectual potential. We are very grateful to the people who contributed to the creation and development of our alma mater, who supported the University, and helped it become one of the leading universities in Siberia, and be among the best universities in the country.
We involve our students in the development of our University. We try to be creative in implementing the ideas based on its founders. We aim to raise highly educated and thoughtful people, to help them open up, to reveal the most of their abilities. The University is not only a place for learning and research; it provides an opportunity for self-realization in art studios, ensembles, and interest groups, development of leadership, and an active life stance in public organizations and sports. The academic year at Altai State University starts in September and ends in June (01.09-30.06). Bachelor's degree takes four academic years to complete a Specialist's degree takes 5 or 6 academic years. To complete a Master's degree takes two academic years to complete a Doctor's degree takes three academic years to complete. All the faculties provide a full-time study. The applicants of degree programs are enrolled according to the entrance examination results (interview, tests).

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