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Leipzig University of Applied Sciences


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Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig) was established in 1992, building on its predecessors and continuing a long tradition of scholarship in Leipzig. Today, with about 6,000 students, HTWK Leipzig ranks among Germany's largest universities of applied sciences. Providing practice-oriented, career-relevant education in short and intense study courses that lead to accredited bachelor's and master's degrees is HTWK Leipzig's trademark feature. Our curricula have been designed to meet rapidly evolving industry needs, preparing students for high-level professional practice in engineering, business, social science, and cultural studies.
Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig) offers a combination of practically oriented teaching and application-oriented research. Our regionally unique selling point is the wide range of engineering programs. Together with economics and cultural studies, we offer various degree programs and research opportunities at seven faculties.
Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig) was established in 1992, building on its predecessors and continuing a long tradition of scholarship in Leipzig. Today, with about 6,000 students, HTWK Leipzig ranks among Germany's largest universities of applied sciences. Providing practice-oriented, career-relevant education in short and intense study courses that lead to accredited bachelor's and master's degrees is HTWK Leipzig's trademark feature. Our curricula have been designed to meet rapidly evolving industry needs, preparing students for high-level professional practice in engineering, business, social science, and cultural studies.
HTWK Leipzig is pooling competencies in four teaching and research areas. The university is committing to the unity of teaching and research.
The respective areas are based on the strengths and potential of HTWK Leipzig and the current and future demand of the economy and society and combine cross-disciplinary studies and research activity. Within this framework, clusters are formed, which contribute to forming new networks and activating synergies. They are essential to the strategic measures of the university. The degree programs at HTWK Leipzig are scientifically substantiated and with a practical orientation.
Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig) is one of the leading higher education institutions in Saxony, Germany, and establishes itself as one of Europe's major educational centers. A long tradition of engineering, business, and cultural sciences is the foundation for the unique combination of diverse interdisciplinary courses offered at HTWK Leipzig.
Students, professors, and university staff alike are partners in scientific education and research at HTWK Leipzig. Our graduates are responsible, conscientious contributors to the professional world and society. This is achieved through an educational process based on applied scientific research and teaching, and competency fueled by lifelong learning.
We are actively committed to making the diverse, multi-networked HTWK Leipzig one of Europe's top universities of applied sciences.
HTWK Leipzig was founded on 15 July 1992 and continued the long tradition of Leipzig's polytechnical schools.
HTWK Leipzig incorporates the learning institutions that are especially typical for Leipzig, such as librarians, book traders, polygraphs, and museologists. Leipzig is a city of books and a crucial major center of trade and commerce with a great past and bright prospects.
However, the university's roots extend as far back as 1764, when its earliest predecessor, the Academy of Painting, Drawing, and Architecture, was established under the direction of the painter Adam Friedrich Oeser. The architectural department was led by J. P. Habersang, who taught the subject art of construction. His scientific concept included the application of mathematical and natural sciences. The establishment of the architecture degree program at HTWK Leipzig two centuries later, fortunately, brought a full circle.
Due to the architect Albert Geutebrück, the Royal-Saxonian School of Building Trades Leipzig was built on 13 July 1838. The first director and municipal architect were Geutebrück himself, who intended to push education into a scientific direction. The drafts and buildings of the employed professors can still be recognized in modern Leipzig.
The academic professor Ludwig Nieper founded later in 1875 the Municipal Industrial School Leipzig, which constituted the key for the scientific engineering education in mechanical and electrical engineering. The basic concept was that merchants should receive not only higher general education but also thorough technical education. The conjunction with practical and technical relevance was already established at this time.
Almost 40,000 students are enrolled at the universities in Leipzig. Around two-thirds study at Leipzig University, followed by Leipzig University of Applied Sciences with approximately 6,000 enrolled students (effective 2016).
Twenty-one thousand four hundred ten cups of coffee were sold at the Mensa Academica (2015), situated in the Lipsius building on the HTWK Leipzig campus. In the same year, Studentenwerk Leipzig states that amount of 6,776 kilograms of pasta was sold. On peak days 1,200 people eat in our canteen. Our gym, which can be reached in a couple of minutes by bike, is open 76 hours a week during regular operation. Two organizations coordinate around 90 instructors.
You can learn five different languages at the university language center - respectively, at different levels of educational requirement. There are also English courses, especially for staff. In total, we have 100 musicians in our two most musical university groups: choir and orchestra.

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