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Meriden School


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Welcome to the Meriden website. I am thrilled that you are spending time learning more about our outstanding school. There are many aspects of Meriden that give me considerable pleasure. These include the girls' love of learning, the beautiful results of the girls in traditional and non-traditional subjects such as Mathematics and Music, the school community's diversity, and the school's excellence in co-curricular areas that include sport, debating, community service, and public speaking.

Arguably, however, the most impressive feature of the school is the girls! They exercise their talents and skills to lead the school, make a positive contribution to their school and broader communities, and demonstrate vast school spirit, collegiality, and friendliness in House events, competitions, and other activities. It is expected that Meriden girls will care for one another, and they do.

Year 12 girls graduate from Meriden as confident, articulate, and compassionate young women, ready to make a positive contribution to their communities as global citizens and leaders. Their teachers and I follow their post-school pathways with considerable pleasure and pride.

When girls graduate from Meriden at the end of Year 12, they take with them the skills and attributes to make a positive difference to their world – a fast-moving world filled with uncertainty and complexity, a world where relationships need to be enhanced and nurtured. In order to be well-equipped to cope with and contribute to this world, we want Meriden girls to become:

  • Confident, articulate, and responsible leaders
  • Aspiring and academic achievers
  • Well-informed and critical thinkers
  • Well-rounded and resilient team-players
  • Creative innovators and collaborative problem-solvers
  • Compassionate, healthy, and optimistic global citizens
  • Women of integrity, appreciative of the Christian faith.

In order to help Meriden girls to develop into women with these skills and attributes, we want to enable the girls to:

  • Speak with Understanding through learning opportunities to think deeply and laterally, master complex issues and concepts, become cognisant of current political, societal, and environmental issues, and articulate learning in an environment where cognitive risk-taking and challenge are encouraged.
  • Speak with Confidence through opportunities for leadership and the setting and attainment of personal goals and recognition for achievements.
  • Speak with Compassion through opportunities for service and increased global awareness in an environment of inclusion and gratitude.
  • Speak with Creativity through opportunities to develop varied interests and talents in an environment where diversity is encouraged and valued.
  • Speak with Hope through opportunities for healthy living, deep personal faith, and the development of resilience in a safe environment of joy, wonder, and optimism.

From its establishment in 1897 with just a handful of pupils to its present-day enrolment of approximately 1,000 students, Meriden has been superior to all those who have passed through its gates. A right school is so much more than the buildings it occupies; it is about the people who come together to teach, learn, explore, and play. The importance of each student, her talents and abilities, and nurturing a loving and supportive Christian community have been central and uniting concerns throughout the school's history.

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