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Lakeside College


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Lakeside College is Prep-Year 12 Christian College in the Lutheran tradition that welcomes students and families from all backgrounds. As a Lutheran school, we are part of a national system of over 86 Lutheran Schools in Australia, representing around 40,000 students. Our College shares a tradition of 170 years of academic excellence and an extensive global education network.

At Lakeside College, we seek to support parents to educate their children. The father of the Lutheran Church, Martin Luther, wrote: "if we want capable and qualified people…we really must spare no effort, time and expense in teaching and educating our children to serve God and the world." There is no more extraordinary task for the adults in our communities than to ensure our children receive a quality education that supports their families' values.

Our learning community views students holistically and seeks to support them to develop academically, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. We have a strong learning culture supported by excellent pastoral care, more comprehensive arts and sporting activities, excursions, and camps. Our focus is on every student being supported to reach beyond their personal best.

School staff in all areas of the College are committed to continually developing their practice to meet the learners' individual and ever-changing needs in our community. The College also provides parent support programs for parents, which help them be heavily involved with their child's education.

We are a growing school at an exciting stage in our history. At our most extensive, we will be a learning community of 676 students, which allows each of our sub-schools to maintain close, meaningful, and supportive relationships. A Christian school in the Lutheran tradition providing outstanding education by

  • serving students through nurturing holistic wellbeing, setting high expectations, acknowledging positive achievement, and encouraging a commitment to serve others
  • fostering a servant-hearted, collaborative, and thriving school staff who are adept learners and leaders in their fields
  • supporting family wellbeing and assisting parents and caregivers to encourage and be actively involved in the education of their children
  • meeting external requirements and stewarding the resources it has to serve Pakenham and the world into the future.

 The Lutheran confessions and the Lutheran understanding of Christian faith are guiding principles of the College. However, its teaching recognizes and respects the diversity of faith traditions among its students and families.  Further, the College seeks to

  • provide students with a comprehensive program of education that is conducive to the development of their talents and skills for responsible Christian living and service
  • encourage students to strive for excellence in learning according to individual ability
  • help students value themselves as persons created in the image of God, redeemed by Christ, and made members of his body, the church, and to express their new life in Christ in their relationship with God and others
  • include as a core part of the program, a Christian Studies curriculum which has been developed deliberately and consciously from the perspective of confessional Lutheranism
  • provide an alternative to a secularistic, humanistic philosophy and practice of education
  • promote the spiritual life and development of the college community through regular worship, the study of the Scriptures, and pastoral care
  • assist parents and caregivers in the fulfillment of their God-given responsibilities to their children and
  • assist the State in providing it with responsible citizens equipped to contribute positively to the community.


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