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John Colet School


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John Colet School is a multi-faith co-educational infant and primary school founded in 1985, in a terrace house in North Sydney, by men and women studying together at the School of Practical Philosophy in Sydney. The school motto is Testare De Illa Luce – Latin for Bear Witness of That Light. The school aims to nurture the light of intelligence, love, and truth, which is every child's birthright. Therefore, we seek not only to provide a thorough and sound education but also to build character and give the children a strong philosophy of life and an understanding that service, truthfulness, and consideration for others lead to a happy, fulfilled, and useful life.

John Colet School - helping each child make the most of their potential With highly qualified and experienced teachers, a quiet, ordered atmosphere, and an emphasis on useful content, John Colet seeks to help each child make the most of their potential. The general approach is of methodical progress, which is that a child is confident of each step before moving on to the next one. The child's broader character development is addressed by the underlying philosophical and spiritual strength of the school and by the daily guidance of their behavior. The school's experience is that clear, reasonable rules, consistently applied, give the children a framework to move freely. They are encouraged to be courteous, well mannered, and respectful. Good behavior is consistently reinforced.

Our vision, which is the purpose for which the school was founded and which it seeks to serve in the long term, is to make practical the school's motto "Testare de Illa Luce" (Bear Witness of that Light) by

  • Introducing the children to simple, effective techniques of self-awareness
  • Building good character by giving children a moral and ethical framework for living
  • Having dedicated teachers teach the most acceptable content nourishing the children physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and preparing them for a happy, productive, and responsible life.

Our mission, which is our near-term goal and which is the school's way of putting its vision into practice, is that the children:

  • Have experience of inner stillness and peace
  • Set an example of good character and service to others, by the School Values
  • Are emotionally resilient
  • Pursue excellence in their conduct and their academic and other school activities
  • Are well-versed in the NSW Curriculum, the school's benchmarks of success, and can effectively build on their primary school learning in high school and beyond.

These are the principles that guide and inform how the school enacts its Vision and Mission and how the school community members – staff, children, parents, and governors – endeavor to conduct themselves internally and externally. An essential aspect of the John Colet School philosophy of education is that children need physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual input every day. And that they should be given the best.

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