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Daylesford Dharma School


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The Daylesford Dharma School offers an educational philosophy that draws from the methods and wisdom of Buddhist teachings...
Buddhism has been called the science of the mind, as its practitioners highly regard reasoning quality. It teaches the development of wisdom and compassion as a pathway to develop human potential. At the Daylesford Dharma School, children develop their intelligence through critical thinking and awareness, informed by compassion and universal responsibility.
Our educational philosophy recognizes the interdependent nature of all life. This inspires the ethical principle of non-harm that informs all aspects of our curricula. We pay particular attention to developing children’s capacity to grow as kind and wise individuals, empowered by the view of universal responsibility in how they shape their world and coexist with others.
We invite our school community to support the ethical practice of non-harm and the development of wisdom and compassion. In turn, we will support our education community staff, students, families, and other members, with skills development on how to facilitate peaceful communications and conflict resolution, reflective practices, and emotional learning. We foster a spirit of sustainable co-existence, respect, and peaceful dialogue in all relationships.
The Daylesford Dharma School curriculum offers daily integrated reflection periods to promote self-awareness and emotional development. Our pastoral curriculum utilizes logic and debate, the creative arts, meditation, and ethics in an integrated learning approach. Our programs support the pursuit of excellence in literacy, numeracy, social studies, science, and technology and conform to Australian Curriculum Standards. We strive to create a nurturing, inspiring, and creative learning environment where critical thinking, meditation, and creativity work in the union throughout the whole curriculum.
Students, families, and staff of all and no faiths are welcome to join the Daylesford Dharma School community. We hold with the view that a multiplicity of spiritual traditions is necessary in the world. That plurality of religious and spiritual traditions caters to the wide variety of people’s dispositions and aspirations. We encourage opportunities to cultivate understanding and mutual respect through interfaith dialogues and events as foundations for an inclusive and harmonious society.
According to Buddhist principles, a Board of Governors will continue to guide the philosophy and functioning of the Daylesford Dharma School, including wisdom, compassion, interdependence, and respect for all life.

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