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  • Ohio Wesleyan University


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    Ohio Wesleyan offers an all-you-can-experience buffet of learning and experiencing, and doing that will leave you wanting more.
    Ohio Wesleyan University is a community of people who have an insatiable appetite for life and learning. We are passionate and eager to make connections with the world around us and the world within. Why? Because connecting disparate ideas, perspectives, and experiences fuels innovation and discovery. Our 200-acre campus offers endless opportunities to explore. Pursue them all. Dream up new ideas. Seize mind-blowing and future-shaping opportunities. Fully experience the richness and connectedness of a liberal arts education.
    With the $200 million Connect Today, Create Tomorrow comprehensive campaign — the largest in school history — we are renewing our commitment to our founding principles as we chart a bold path forward. At OWU, the enduring values of a liberal arts education continue to prepare graduates for leadership and service lives in every segment of our society. Thank you for your role in sustaining our legacy.
    We must not let resources impede the transformational effect of an OWU education. Whether it is need-based, merit-based, or aid for a returning student, scholarships can be the deciding factor in bringing students to OWU and ensuring they can complete their degree.
    Our historic campus has been graced with several impressive new buildings and seen some of our most iconic spaces given new life and purpose thanks to significant philanthropic support.
    We remain committed to preserving our beautiful campus and enhancing our high-tech learning spaces from technology to program funding, to faculty and staff training and salaries; annual gifts touch each part of OWU, every day.
    Like you, we love OWU. The Connect Today, Create Tomorrow campaign will strengthen our great University through unprecedented support, and we are proud to be the co-chairs. We urge you to join us in giving as generously as you can to the areas you care about most. Your support will connect current and future generations of Ohio Wesleyan students to opportunities that will create a better world.
    For more than 175 years, Ohio Wesleyan has remained committed to its founding principles, including providing an education conducted on the most liberal principles, accessible to all, designed for the benefit of citizens in general. The generosity and faith in these aims, shown by donors thus far in our Connect Today's leadership phase, Create Tomorrow comprehensive campaign have been remarkable: before the public launch on October 20, 2017, our campaign progress had surpassed $139 million. The incredible support gratifies us.
    Our professors respond to the needs of today's students by creating new majors that connect a traditional liberal arts education with a global perspective and pre-professional preparation. We look to secure support for their continued innovation. Through The OWU Connection and planned Career Connections Center, we will grow our emphasis on internships and practical, real-world experiences, while further engaging alumni in these efforts. We will continue to develop the Travel-Learning Courses that have allowed our students to travel from Alaska to Tanzania and everywhere in between. We seek support for scholarships to allow talented students to take advantage of these programs.
    Our historic campus has been graced with several impressive new buildings and seen some of our most iconic spaces given new life and purpose, thanks to significant philanthropic support. Our comprehensive campaign also includes annual giving goals, which support our daily operations from salaries to sidewalks. At OWU, the enduring values of a liberal arts education continue to prepare graduates for leadership and service lives in every segment of our society. We are renewing our commitment to our founding principles in these changing times as we chart a bold path forward.
    Since its founding, Ohio Wesleyan has maintained its connection with the Methodist (now United Methodist) Church, offering a quality of scholarship, leadership, and service that has enriched both Church and society. Ohio Wesleyan's charter provided that "the University is forever to be conducted on the most liberal principles, accessible to all religious denominations, and designed for the benefit of our citizens in general."
    In this heritage's spirit, the University defines itself as a community of teachers and students devoted to the free pursuit of truth. It attempts to develop in its students' qualities of intellect and character that will be useful no matter what they choose to do later. The transmission, extension, and discovery of knowledge are central to the liberal arts tradition.
    While encouraging professional scholarship and feeling justifiably proud of its faculty and graduates who enjoy national or international reputations in their fields, the University has its preeminent purpose of being a quality institution for teaching and learning. Because effective teaching is of the highest importance, faculty members regularly are reviewed and evaluated for excellence in teaching.
    Make the most of every opportunity. Double major in chemistry and art. Capture a grant to study sustainability in Taiwan. Lead a campus organization. Spend spring break volunteering in El Salvador – and go back for the summer. Intern at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
    At OWU, students are always hungry for more: more knowledge, more experiences, more opportunities. Classes are just the beginning. Programs like our OWU Connection bring together your studies and experiences that can power your future, from travel study to research to internships and beyond.

    Ohio Wesleyan University
    Founding year: 1842
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 1
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Dr. Rock Jones (President)
    Number of staff: 140
    Type: Universities






    Address: Ohio Wesleyan University, 61 South Sandusky Street, Delaware, Ohio, 43015, United States

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