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  • Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta


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    'Aisyiyah is one of the organizations of religious, social movements that grew and developed rapidly during Indonesian society. Their positive and dynamic work moves in various aspects of community life, including education. Muhammadiyah, as the parent organization of 'Aisyiyah, opens the door wide and freedom for' Aisyiyah to take part during society to achieve the ideals of the nation's intellectual life. These ideals are based on the noble intentions and on the encouragement and motivation of Allah contained in Surah Al Mujadalah verse 11, which states, "Allah will raise the degree of the believers and those who are given knowledge of some degree."
    Starting from the encouragement and motivation mentioned above, 'Aisyiyah in conducting education starting from kindergarten to high education level, carried out with diligence and full of responsibility. No period without education. This proves that the world of education has melted together in the soul of 'Aisyiyah. Among the rows of educational activities 'Aisyiyah, one of them is the College of Health Sciences' Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, located at Jalan Munir No 267 Serangan Yogyakarta.
    Higher Education 'Aisyiyah started from establishing School of Midwives' Aisyiyah Hospital PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta based on Ministerial Decree No 65 dated July 10, 1963. Then opened also School Panjenang Health Level C' Aisyiyah Hospital PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
    Higher Education Vision Being a health-friendly university of choice and excel based on Islamic values Berkemajuan. Higher Education Mission Conducting education, research, and dedication to health-minded society and based on Islamic values Advancement to educate the nation's life. Developing women's studies and empowerment within the framework of Islam is progressing.
    Higher Education Objectives: To produce graduates of noble character, master science, and technology with sound, professional, entrepreneurial spirit, and become a driving force in advancing the nation's life. Produce scientifically sound scientific works that are the reference in problem-solving. Produce innovative and health-sensitive applicative works that contribute to empowerment and enlightenment. Produce a model based on the praxis of women empowerment based on Islamic values Berkemajuan. Produce Islamic thinking Berk Berkajuan and as a spiritual, moral reinforcement in Tri Dharma Higher Education implementation.

    Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
    Founding year: 2003
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Leadership: Warsiti, S.Kp (Rector)
    Number of staff: 0
    Type: Universities
    Address: Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Jl. Siliwangi (West Ring Road) No. 63 Mlangi, Nogotirto, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta , 55292, Indonesia

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