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  • Wellington College


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    Wellington College is a school like no other. Where many focus on examination results and view league table position as the main criterion for success, the whole ethos of Wellington is focused on every individual who passes through our gates.
    If education, in the truest sense of the word, is about bringing the best out of children, then delivering a raft of A and A* grades is not enough, undoubtedly important though examination results are. We aim to inspire and support our pupils so they can become the very best they can be in every single way. By helping them become happy and fully-rounded young men and women examination grades naturally follow, as our outstanding A-Level, IB, and GCSE results prove.
    Our educational philosophy is therefore focused on the traits which we want all Wellingtonians to acquire before taking their place in the adult world.
    We want our pupils to be inspired by everything they do at Wellington, both inside and outside of the classroom, so they leave school as interested and interesting people.
    We want our pupils to adopt a genuinely intellectual approach to their academic work and their view of the world around them, in the knowledge that a Wellington education is only the beginning of an exciting and life-long journey of learning.
    We want our pupils to become truly independent, as those who can think, learn and cope independently will be the leaders and game-changers of the future.
    We want every pupil to be valued and developed as an individual, so their Wellington experience is much more than just going to school – rather, it is the journey to self.
    And we want our pupils to be inclusive in all dealings with other people, so they leave the College not in a bubble of privilege and elitism, but with the ability to engage with their local, national, and international communities, and with a burning desire to do good in the world.
    The College, founded in 1853 as a living memorial to the Duke of Wellington, sought to deliver an inspirational education for all of its pupils. As the school grew, so too did the identity of those pupils. It is an identity built on intellectual curiosity, on true independence, on generous and far-reaching inclusivity, and on the courage to be properly and unselfishly individual. It is, in short, the capacity to be inspired to become the very best you can be. And it is these qualities that are present in the thousands of small interactions that happen all the time here, the little daily miracles that make this such a special place. After all, the school we build is the school we build together, and every pupil who passes through Wellington leaves an indelible mark on our community. It is my absolute responsibility to help all our pupils become the very best that they can be, and to develop the identity that marks them out as a true Wellingtonian.
    Wellington College is set in 400 acres of beautiful parkland in leafy Berkshire, one hour from Central London and just 40 minutes from Heathrow. Please do explore our online tour to get a sense of the scope and size of the school, for our campus is quite simply stunning. Wellington’s curriculum is vibrant, demanding, and progressive, and with our ground-breaking Wellbeing course and classes in Philosophy and Thinking, Wellington has become nationally renowned as a center for curriculum development. Our stunning examination results and university outcomes speak for themselves.
    Creativity flourishes and it was no surprise when the Arts Council awarded us Artsmark Gold in recognition of the outstanding provision and standards across all the Arts at the school. We have a “premier league” reputation as one of the best schools for sport in the UK and, in recent years, our teams have achieved national renown and titles in hockey, rugby, golf, shooting, triathlon, squash, equestrianism, cricket, rackets, and polo. Outward-facing in all that we do, the College’s focus on service, leadership, and character education means that Wellingtonians leave the school fully prepared for the challenges of adult life in the 21st century.
    The choice lies at the heart of our co-curriculum and is central to developing the Wellington Identity which ensures that all our pupils are Inspired, Intellectual, Independent, Individual and Inclusive. Our pupils and our staff see every day as an opportunity, a chance to grow, and a chance to learn and the journey as a life-long learner begins the moment a child starts at Wellington.

    Wellington College
    Founding year: 1859
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 1056
    Leadership: Mr. James Dahl (Headmaster)






    Address: Crowthorne, Berkshire, GB, RG45 7PU, United Kingdom

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