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Newman University


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Founded in 1933, Newman University is grounded in Catholic values and traditions, yet is respectful of all faith traditions. At Newman, you'll find people, programs, organizations, and activities designed to educate your mind and inspire your spirit.
The main campus is located in Wichita, Kansas, with outreach sites in Southeast Kansas, Western Kansas, Colorado Springs, Colorado. And Tulsa and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Newman is a sponsored ministry of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, United States Region.
Newman University is a Catholic university named after John Henry Cardinal Newman and founded by the Adorers of the Blood of Christ to empower graduates to transform society.
As a Catholic institution of higher learning, Newman finds guidance in Ex Corde ecclesiae and other Catholic Church teachings and draws nourishment from its relationships with surrounding Catholic communities and dioceses. At the same time, our Catholic identity is distinctively shaped by the influence both of our founders and sponsors, the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, and our namesake, the Catholic theologian and educator John Henry Cardinal Newman. From the Adorers, we receive our unique mission of developing and empowering our graduates to work for society's betterment—a mission inspired by the Adorers' founder, Saint Maria De Mattias. From Cardinal Newman, we inherit our university's vision as an institution that educates the whole person to seek the truth and lead a meaningful and purposeful life. Finally, with a strong liberal arts foundation, our curriculum honors our Catholic intellectual heritage's richness and vitality while affirming the value of dialogue involving persons of varied cultures and religious traditions.
Following the ideals of Cardinal Newman, we seek to educate the whole person. A firm grounding in the liberal arts strengthens all our programs and instills habits of lifelong learning that will accompany graduates as they pursue various personal, academic, and professional goals. Newman's faculty strives to utilize best practices in instruction, the insights derived from scholarly research, and a culture of assessment to promote classroom and program improvement. At the same time, Newman's small college atmosphere facilitates the development of an active, dynamic learning community. Also, Newman University has a special mission—to make an environment of academic excellence available to a diverse range of students, and to empower those students through the education we provide, to transform the world. In sum, it is the development of the intellectual, moral, and spiritual capabilities of the entire university community combined with our collective dedication to promoting peace and social justice that characterizes academic excellence at Newman University.
The passion for serving others is integral to the missions of both Newman University and the Adorers of the Blood of Christ. We actualize this mandate by fostering a distinctive culture of service in which each member of the community is encouraged to find personally fulfilling ways of growing through giving. Manifestly, gifts of time and talent are visible symbols of our commitment to transforming the human condition. Simultaneously, service is also transformative for the student who successfully develops a critical consciousness that hunger and thirst for justice and peace. Through our Christ-centered humanitarian commitment to serving the underserved, we honor that joint mission, which we share with our founders and sponsors, namely developing and empowering people.
Newman University is committed to promoting an interdependent global perspective formed by a critical consciousness that hungers and thirsts for justice and peace. More than just an awareness of other cultures, such a perspective affirms all of creation's interdependent nature. At the same time, it speaks to the ideal of the educated person in the modern world: a person who possesses a strong sense of self yet embraces difference, a person who not only seeks knowledge but effectively applies it, a person of broad vision who remains well-grounded. To this end, we seek to engage a diverse array of students in outstanding educational experiences designed to cultivate the knowledge, skills, and values they will need to become leaders in transforming an increasingly complex and interconnected world.
When the economy turns south, many adults seize the moment to rebuild or add to their core skill set. Newman adult students represent hard-working mothers, fathers, laid-off workers, soldiers, and others who want to further their education, certification, or training. High academic standards, faculty mentors, and small classes are vital components Newman provides for your success.
College life is more than classes, books, tests, and residence hall rooms- it's connecting with other people, making lifelong friends and future colleagues, and building relationships with experienced faculty who can be a resource in your career and life for years to come. College life is spending time with your friends on the weekend, going out to eat even though you're broke, and still finding ways to have the time of your life. Also, it's finding ways to feed the spirit and the body as well as the mind.

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