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Wimbledon College


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Wimbledon College has a strong tradition as a Jesuit school. At the heart of the Jesuit tradition is the insight of St Ignatius of Loyola that God is to be found in all things. We place a core focus on high standards of achievement and progress for all our pupils, whatever their starting points. A focused learning environment, dedicated staff, support, and guidance gives our pupils the tools with which to achieve their very best.
The Lower Line (Years 7-9) curriculum aims to build solid foundations in English, Mathematics, and Science - and beyond that to provide a broad and balanced curriculum including the humanities, the creative arts, and modern languages. However, boys should note that priority for access to UHS courses is given to UHS students first. As they enter Higher Line (Years 10 and 11), boys choose three option subjects to continue to GCSE alongside the core. Guidance is given about subject choice and its implications for Sixth Form and further or university education but boys are given a wide range of possibilities to follow a curriculum that suits their needs and interests.
In September 2018, Wimbledon College will admit 199 boys to Figures (Year 7) without regard for aptitude or ability. The places will be offered according to the criteria set out in the 2018 Admissions Policy. For information regarding Sixth Form. The deadline for Y7 Applications for admission in September 2018 is Tuesday 31st October 2017. You must submit both the Common Application Form (CAF) to your Local Authority and the Wimbledon College Supplementary Form (SIF) to Wimbledon College by this date. Your Local Authority will write to you on 1st March 2018, indicating the school highest on your list which can offer you a place. We will also write to you confirming whether or not we were able to offer a place. You must accept or reject the offer by a specified date (TBC). After that time, any unaccepted offers will be withdrawn. Applications for admission to other years (Y8-11) may be made at any time using the supplementary information form. You must also apply to your local authority as all applications are coordinated across the London boroughs and surrounding counties. Please note that all years are currently oversubscribed and have waiting lists. The Sixth Form Course Guide, Application Form, Prospectus, and Course Entry Requirements for 2018 can be downloaded below. An application pack containing the Wimbledon College Prospectus and application form is available from the main school reception or the Sixth Form Office. Please note that we are unable to send out application packs in the post. Applications cannot be made online at this time.
As a Christian community, religious formation and the passing on of the Catholic faith are central to the life, work, and inspiration of the school. The College had a full-time chaplain, assisted by other staff and senior pupils. The chaplaincy program provides opportunities for boys to explore and grow in their spiritual lives, their understanding of their faith, and their vocation to be "men for others".The College Chapel stands at the heart of the school and prayers are offered here daily for our pupils and families. During May and October the rosary is said, and the Stations of the Cross during Lent.
The Heads of Line, supported by teams of tutors and pastoral support assistants, take active responsibility for the academic progress, pastoral care, and engagement of pupils in the life of the school and its extra-curricular activities. Expectations of behavior and commitment are high. Pupils develop self-discipline and commitment to the aims and ethos of the school as they grow up. This includes the wearing of a uniform, the courtesy shown towards others, punctuality, and a positive attitude to studies and the wider life of the school.
We work constantly to ensure the safety of our pupils when they are online or using social media. We have collated numerous resources on this page to help support parents in keeping their sons safe. These include videos by the main Internet Service Providers on how to access their Parental Controls, as well as guidance on the use of popular search engines, websites, and software.
Boys in Poetry (Y12) are generally expected to take three Advanced Level courses which they will complete in Rhetoric (Y13). More able pupils can discuss a wider offer of courses. Pupils taking our Level 2 program are expected to follow a full range of courses in the offer, together with Maths and English GCSE re-sits.
The College places great emphasis on extracurricular involvement for all boys. These complement the curriculum and offer boys the opportunity of learning and developing in different ways. All boys are encouraged to participate in at least two activities and most do so. By getting involved in activities beyond the classroom, boys participate in the life of the school and have ownership of their school. This supports their studies and, time and again, we see that those who are most involved in the extra-curricular program are those who do best in their studies.

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