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Collège Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption


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Located in Nicolet, at the heart of an immense green space overlooking the river, Collège Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption is a private, co-ed secondary school built strategically halfway between Québec City and Montréal. The school is equipped with student residential services for girls and boys. Students from all over Québec and from around the world have made our campus their second home.
The College offers the MELS (Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport) Québec school system general education program for young people, which leads to a secondary school diploma issued by the Ministry. Courses are given in French. A school that helps you prepare for tomorrow's challenging world. CNDA's 7-day residence service enables international students to pursue a high-quality education that opens university studies access. Completing secondary and collegial studies in Québec is regarded as advantageous before attending university in Québec or even in Canada.
For over 150 years, the school has offered top quality services as part of the grand tradition established by the Sisters of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Since the institutional changeover in January 2006, the College has evolved on several fronts while paying attention to students' needs in the technological age.
Student integration occurs in an atmosphere that encourages exploration and the full development of each individual's potential. The top-quality training we offer our students enables them to gain the skills they need to acquire post-secondary training in all sectors, according to their interests. Our student residence is another asset that helps young people to succeed, offering supervision imbued with humanism, empathy, and respect. Choosing CNDA is choosing a high-caliber school on a human scale. It is choosing a second family for life!

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