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Kyungsung University


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The University was established by the late Reverend Dr. Kim Gil-Chang, a pioneer of Christianity in Korea. The University was initially called Kyungnam Teacher's College and established in 1955 under Christian love and service; in 1979, the school was re-organized and renamed Pusan Industrial University. At the time of the founding of Pusan Industrial University, the General Construction Committee began to expand and improve the quality of the University's facilities. As a result, the University received official sanctioning as a public university in September 1983.
The University will have ten undergraduate colleges (Liberal Arts, Law and Politics, Commerce and Economics, Science, Engineering, Pharmacy, Arts, Theology, Multimedia, and Chinese) in 2011, encompassing seven different faculties and 54 departments (In 2011, the maximum freshmen enrollment will be 3,120 students).
There are seven graduate schools (General, International Management, Multimedia, Education, Social Welfare, Clinical Pharmacy, and Digital Design). Besides, seven affiliated organizations and seven affiliated research institutes have been established to aid teaching and research. Kyungsung University's 700 employees and over 13,000 students work together to achieve the school's educational goals.
University is willing to challenge the future based on its founding philosophy of Christianity for love and service. Our University has seen many developments and changes over the years thanks to its members' unwavering determination and endless efforts, along with help from the local community and other outside sources. Though we are proud of our history, we have for the past half-century.
University is more interested in facing the challenges of the future than in talking about our past achievements. As the information-based society of the future dawns, universities must strive to produce creative academic research facilities. At the same time, cultivate future-oriented individuals who can compete in today's workforce. Kyungsung University has foreseen the rapid changes in modern society. Our University provides something differentiated and adhering education system escaping from the existing educational frame in University that is so common and monotonous and especially our University has a slogan for educational renaissance and Kyungsung renaissance so that it is aimed at nurturing qualified persons by reinforcing the education for sensibility and leadership as a competent leader who has the professional mind. The quality of a university is not determined by its size alone. The will and efforts of the school members and faculty make the school stand out among others. We must recognize the truth as we do our best to create a quality university.

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