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Marmara University


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Marmara University is one of the oldest educational institutions in Turkey. Established on 16 January 1883 under Hamidiye Ticaret Mekteb-i Âlisi and affiliated with the Commercial, Agriculture, Forestry, and Mining industry, Marmara University began its life a house behind the Istanbul High School for Girls in Cağoğlu. The first graduates (13 people) matriculated in 1887. On 21 September 1889, the school was affiliated with the Education Ministry. In 1893 the school was closed, with the idea that it would be reformed and reopened shortly. On 15 October 1897, the school, still affiliated with the Education Ministry, was reopened from this date on the University has provided education.
The institution became known as the Istanbul Economic and Commercial Sciences Academy in 1959. In 1982, with regulations that were carried out, the institute became officially known as Marmara University. It took its place among the Turkish Institutes of Higher Education. In the 1982 - 1983 academic year, education began at Marmara University, which consisted of 9 faculties, one school, one institute. Today, the number of faculties is 16, the number of schools is 9, and 11 institutes. The number of currently operating associate and degree courses at the University is 199.
The University’s mission is to work towards designing the future and the 2013-2017 Strategic Plan, Marmara University is working towards determining the position it will occupy in the future. This data, attained in the scope of shareholders, in defining the mission, vision, values, and slogan, has benefited from the evaluatory process expressed in the draft provided by the academic and administrative units.

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