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Universitas Kader Bangsa


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Universitas Kader Bangsa, also called UKB (acronym), is a private college that provides educational and professional lectures in some study programs under Kader Bangsa Foundation (YKB) Palembang. UKB is built in 2000 alongside the Education Department Ministry's letter (SK Mendiknas) No. 69/D/O/2001 with 10 study programs. However, YKB had officially provided seven health academies and colleges since 1999 before it transformed to UKB. By SK Mendiknas No.12/D/O/2004 on January 30, 2014, about the transformation of the academies and colleges into UKB in Palembang and provided and managed by YKB Palembang, there are 19 study programs in Universitas Kader Bangsa. Universitas Kader Bangsa, also called UKB (acronym), is a private college that provides educational and professional lectures in some study programs under Kader Bangsa Foundation (YKB) Palembang. UKB is built in 2000 alongside the Education Department Ministry's letter (SK Mendiknas) No. 69/D/O/2001 with 10 study programs. However, YKB had officially provided seven health academies and colleges since 1999 before it transformed to UKB. By SK Mendiknas No.12/D/O/2004 on January 30, 2014, about the transformation of the academies and colleges into UKB in Palembang and provided and managed by YKB Palembang, there are 19 study programs in Universitas Kader Bangsa.
 Developing and spreading education, science, and useful technology by doing research and community service. Cooperating with any institutions continuously. Establishing an organization of the institute to reach the peak performance for anticipating environmental developments.
Logo Descriptions Oval-shaped means UKB is an educational institution that provides any qualified and professional cadres/generations. Book On 2/3 top of the logo is written: "Yayasan Kader Bangsa," which means UKB's parent institution's name. The rest 1/3 below is written Universitas Kader Bangsa. Icons in the center On 2/3 top. A book as a base means UKB is an educational institution. A bowl with a snake means UKB is an educational institution with excellence in health and pharmacy departments (the snake is the Doctors Association logo, and the bowl is the logo of pharmacy). On the bowl is written the tagline of UKB's people "to have wide knowledge, be professional, and be always on the way of God also nationalist" (IPTAK - berilmu pengetahuan, professionalism dan taqwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa Serta Kebangsaan / Nasionalisme).

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