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Al Falah University


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Al Falah University is located in the heart of the Emirate of Dubai and is determined to become one of the nation's leading higher education institutions. Our University offers a teaching and learning environment generated by a distinguished academic cadre, supported by best practice educational and communications technology and library resources. In this exemplary educational environment, students will be motivated to understand disciplinary concepts, tools, and data that will prepare them for more advanced education or satisfying and productive careers that contribute to further national and regional development.

Our University's current academic programs in the College of Business Administration, the College of Law, and the College of Mass Communication have been selected based on established demand from students, the availability of exceptional faculty members with the ability to link theory with practice in their research-led teaching, and the needs of the nation's public and private sectors for graduates in these disciplines.

Students who are enrolled and registered in our University will also be engaged in interdisciplinary learning and will learn to practice critical thinking skills, based on independent learning outside of their classes and classroom discussion, while also research and knowledge application. Our students will benefit from national, regional, and international collaboration programs intended to enrich their education. Al Falah University will seek to develop further educational opportunities for students in different Colleges, in due course, based upon our five-year strategic plan, driven, in part, by continuing market research that provides information concerning evolving higher education needs.

AFU's vision is to distinguish itself as one of the premier universities in both the UAE and the GCC through academic research, educational excellence, experiential learning, the pursuit for knowledge, and constant intellectual exploration. For all stakeholders alike, AFU aims to sustain an innovative educational environment that adds value through student experiences in logical reasoning, critical thinking, applied skills, and creativity. AFU adheres to the international standards and can be recognized for significant progress while preserving the UAE and GCC's local cultural and ethical values. AFU aims to achieve local and international recognition for academic programs, research, and community services.

AFU is an educational institution located in Dubai's heart that fosters excellence in mulmultidisciplinaryaching, research, and community engagement. The University offers coeducational undergraduate and graduate programs to a range of national and international students. By engaging in critical and analytical thinking, creative problem solving, and innovation, AFU graduates are prepared to contribute ethically and professionally to society's welfare locally and regionally. AFU's Mission and Vision statements are approved by the Governing Body (Board Trustees) before the declaration. They will be reviewed and reevaluated periodically to ensure their adherence and usefulness in providing overall strategic direction to AFU.

The short-term planning goals of AFU are to:

  • Promote the acquisition of students' knowledge and the development of the mulmultidisciplinaryills.
  • Emphasize and continually improve the teaching quality and support appropriate faculty development resources to achieve local and international recognition.
  • Graduate students are equipped with free-thinking, logical reasoning, cross-disciplinary knowledge, and employment skills in the global market.
  • Appreciate the quality of education and promote applied skills and creativity support through the appropriate allocation of resources.
  • Provide the appropriate library resources and information technology services in support of teaching and public service.
  • Assist students in achieving educational, career, and personal goals by providing comprehensive development services and programs that assist students.
  • Establish and maintain business collaboration and partnerships, preserving the UAE and GCC's local cultural and ethical values better to serve the geographic region's educational needs.
  • Demonstrate the accomplishment of the mission of the University and continuous improvement in its educational programs and services.

Long Term Planning Goals:

  • To foster excellence in education through international collaborations in teaching methodology and blended learning. This goal will be achieved by:
  • Provide a learning environment for free-thinking, logical reasoning, cross-disciplinary knowledge for students and faculty members
  • Provide highest quality education (knowledge and skills) by promoting an atmosphere that values intellectual curiosity and pursuit of knowledge while preserving academic freedom and integrity
  • Promote mulmultidisciplinaryills of the students through cross-disciplinary programs and courses
  • To ensure that the infrastructure of the University is utilized efficiently for blended learning
  • To develop and maintain innovative approaches to learning.

II. To establish a center of Research and Professional Development through joint research collaborations and interdisciplinary research. This goal will be achieved by:

  • Provide the research infrastructure and budgets to initiate and develop scholarly activities
  • Develop the Excellence of Scientific Research and Professional Development through collaborative industrial partnerships, external grants, and alumni sponsorships
  • Promote interdisciplinary research through innovative mulmultidisciplinaryograms meeting the research needs of the UAE community and GCC community
  • Maintain comprehensive self-development and professional programs for professional growth and development of faculty and staff at AFU

III. To develop comprehensive and holistic student development through applied learning and practical experiences contributing to the community's employer needs. This goal will be achieved by:

  • To promote and maintain an educational system that is continuously adaptive to the UAE and the GCC region's ever-changing socio-economic, technical, scientific, cultural, and development needs.
  • To provide academic programs based on local, regional, and international employment needs for students seeking immediate employment upon graduation.
  • To expand the physical and extracurricular activities for students to engage in effective collaboration and lifelong learning
  • To develop community service programs that help to meet the recreational, cultural, educational, scientific, and social needs of the area

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