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University of Music Wuerzburg


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For more than two centuries, the University of Music Wuerzburg has offered high-quality music education. Today, around 250 instructors from all over the world, including numerous world-famous artists, prepare about 650 students each year for artistic, academic, and pedagogical careers in the field of music. Artistic training is offered in all orchestral instruments, various historical instruments, and an accordion, guitar, organ, piano, singing, and saxophone. Other study courses include composition, conducting, classical percussion, and jazz.
Our university's music education is targeted to all age groups: our Pre-College offers early learning opportunities and artistic training for musically gifted children and adolescents. Participants of our Bachelor's and Master's programs are prepared for academic and artistic professions, while our School Music Program qualifies for a music teacher's career. Professionals who want to develop their artistic and academic skill set even further attend our Master Classes and Doctoral Studies. Our Professional School provides life-long learning opportunities and further development of the musical personality.
In addition to our interest in offering high-quality music education, the University of Music Wurzburg puts great emphasis on preserving musicians' health. We consider our students' health and well-being to be as important as developing their artistic, academic, and pedagogical skillset. We are aware that only physically and psychologically healthy students can unfold their full musical potential. Thus, instrumentalists and singers alike are accompanied and trained by healthcare professionals throughout their years of study.
The University of Music Wurzburg is located in Wurzburg's heart – a charming city with a southern European flair known for its high quality of living, vibrant cultural life, and beautiful historic townscape. Our three state-of-the-art buildings are close to the city center and within walking distance of each other.
Modern and soundproofed class and practice rooms invite students to learn and train under optimal learning conditions in each building. Aside from first-class pianos available for teachers and students in every practice room, many different instruments are available for artistic training, including a large and varied collection of string and wind instruments, valuable historical instruments, and even a complete gamelan set. Additionally, the comprehensive percussion department provides access to practically all instruments of this genre. Complemented by an extensive library, a top-notch sound studio, and an up-to-date studio for experimental electronic music, the University of Music Wurzburg has created an ideal environment for studying, experimenting, and developing individual musical style.
Apart from classes and practice lessons, countless instrumental and vocal ensembles invite students of all study courses to gain stage experience and further develop their artistic skillset. The University Symphony Orchestra, the Baroque Orchestra, the Ensembles for Early and Contemporary Music, the Philharmonic Wind Ensemble, the Opera School, the University Choir, the Chamber Choir, the BigBand, the jazz-pop choir ChorKraut and many others enrich the day-to-day life at the university and complement the cultural life of the city and the region.
The University of Music Wurzburg hosts more than 250 events each year, including festivals, concerts, ten to twelve operas, and numerous projects in cooperation with local partners such as the Wurzburg Philharmonic Orchestra Mainfranken Theater.
After the conservatory's commutation to music in the early 1970ies, science and research appeared to complement music education. In the 2001-fusion with Hermann-Zilcher-Conservatory Wuerzburg, further expertise, especially in music pedagogy, were added to our areas of research. The long-term cooperation with Wurzburg University and the university of applied sciences, Wurzburg/Schweinfurth, allows large-scale synergistic effects.
Nowadays, national and international research academics work on research fields such as musicology, music pedagogy, and other tension tensions between arts and science. Besides music history, music's role in our contemporary culture and media, socio- and behavioral-scientific questions on making music, listening to it, and learning to play music are relevant aspects of science and research at our university. A wide range of methods is used analysis in music theory and classical methods of music-historical research and the whole range of empirical research. We are part of a vivid transfer of knowledge with other universities and institutions in Germany and abroad. Funded projects are a matter, of course.

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