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Rostrevor College


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Welcome to Rostrevor College; our school's vision is to provide an authentic and quality Catholic Education for boys in the Edmund Rice tradition. We encourage our boys to strive to achieve their personal best while aspiring to make a positive difference in the world. There are many pathways to success, and we pride ourselves on providing access to the right pathway for every child.

The College has a beautiful heritage of producing well-rounded young gentlemen with high aspirations and a commitment to making a positive difference in our world. From the classroom to the sporting fields, through music and the performing arts, to the Service Learning Program, we have built an excellent reputation of nurturing every child's talents to be the best that they can be.

We continue to build a sense of a 'Rostrevor Family' where a spirit of connectedness, generosity, and philanthropy is a lifelong experience. There is a beautiful heritage of supporting members of our community when times are tough and giving back to the families that nurture young men to successful lives.

Nestled in the foothills of the Mount Lofty Ranges at Woodforde, just nine kilometers from the CBD, Rostrevor boasts exceptional facilities and expansive grounds spanning 16 hectares, allowing boys room to move.

As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, our commitment to combining academic excellence with a well-rounded Catholic education, which explores and encourages each student's personal best, is our guiding passion.

With an educational offering spanning Reception to Year 12 on the one campus, our students benefit significantly through shared facilities, including our unique agricultural facilities, which provide our students with hands-on experience in all aspects of farming from aquaculture, animals, and viticulture.

Our teaching expertise, inclusive and supportive learning environment, and wide-ranging curriculum provide a holistic education incorporating academic and co-curricular opportunities to suit every student's interest.

Above all, we pride ourselves on our tailored approach to boys' education, which produces well-rounded, confident, and outstanding young men who have gone on to be respected role models in their communities.

As a Catholic College in the Edmund Rice tradition, Rostrevor College draws on the guiding principles and values of this tradition to instill qualities in our boys to help them make a difference, not only to their own lives but to those around them. We help boys make sense of their place in the world, encouraging them to express their beliefs and put their faith in action.

The foundation of the entire school curriculum is the Catholic quest to integrate faith and reason. This Catholic perspective permeates each subject and the entire educational experience at Rostrevor. The College provides a Christian environment where the values of the Gospel are proclaimed and encouraged. Boys are involved in daily prayer, weekly Chapel Assemblies, and annual Retreats, where they have the opportunity to deepen their relationship with God.

Religious Education at Rostrevor is concerned with helping boys make sense of their life and the world in which they live. Students are encouraged to give expression to their beliefs and faith in actions. They are encouraged to reach out to the community and the world, strive for justice, and make a difference in others' lives.

An all-boys learning environment is known to produce healthy academic outcomes for boys by allowing them to explore their talents and skills without the barrier of gender stereotypes, giving them the best possible start while they develop fundamental life skills.

We understand how boys like to learn, and we give them room to grow both personally and academically. Rostrevor's tailored curriculum and learning structures are driven by all-boys' philosophy and tap into boys' best practice learning methodology.

Other areas we embrace to foster boys' academic and physical development include:

  • An extensive co-curricular program and expansive grounds and facilities allow boys to be active, benefiting their health, both mentally and physically.
  • Tailoring learning strategies to include a healthy balance of theory and practical elements to fit boys' learning styles
  • The supportive and inclusive learning environment
  • A high emphasis on feeling safe and secure with programs to develop resilience and a sense of personal responsibility and care for others
  • A mix of female and male teachers to allow a balanced education
  • Immediate rewards and feedback on a student's performance, which is an essential element for boys' learning. Aside from daily interactions, we also capture achievements in our newsletter, assemblies, and media when appropriate.

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