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Pymble Ladies College


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Situated on 20 hectares of beautiful park-like grounds on Sydney's upper North Shore, Pymble Ladies' College is a non-selective, independent school for girls from Kindergarten to Year 12, with boarding available in Year 7.
Pymble is a school that inspires and excites students to explore and extend their potential as they grow from dependence to independence.
The College offers a world-class learning environment that provides excellent academic studies, sports, and the arts, a comprehensive curriculum with outstanding facilities, and a nurturing pastoral care program that recognizes and develops each girl's unique strengths and qualities.
Pymble fosters an international education environment, promoting global citizenship and the importance of a worldwide educational perspective. The College strives to ensure students complete their education with the confidence, maturity, and necessary skills to make informed decisions in their careers and personal lives.
Pymble is divided into five separate schools on one campus. All five schools have their precincts, and the Head of School and Junior, Middle, Upper, and Senior also have their own Deputy Head of School. Five schools on the one campus provide more leadership opportunities and additional age-specific academic and personal care for each student.
The values and the ethos of the Uniting Church in Australia provide the foundation for dynamic, engaged learning at Pymble, with the College open to girls of all religions.
Few decisions in life hold the same significance and importance as choosing the right school for your daughter. It is a decision that will shape her development during her school years and the type of woman she becomes after graduation.
Understandably, when it comes to making this decision, you want the very best for your daughter. We want that too. You want to provide her with every opportunity to realize her hopes and aspirations. You want her to be happy, safe and nurtured and have the ideal platform for growing into a healthy, confident, and capable adult. At Pymble Ladies' College, we support our students to make the most of their potential and the opportunities available. We are passionate about ensuring our girls feel known and valued for who they are; at Pymble, we celebrate each girl's uniqueness.
Pymble is a family, and as parents, you will be encouraged to take an active role in your daughter's education. We want to hear from you when we get it right and when we can do better.
The greatest gift we give each girl is a passion for learning. I am proud of the incredible teaching staff we have at Pymble. We are in the business of supporting the development of life-long learners. As a critical part of our commitment to personalizing your daughter's learning journey, we will guide and challenge her thinking. The world needs independent, critical thinkers. This is the hallmark of a Pymble girl.
Pymble has a long tradition of excellence in girls' education. Your daughter would be joining a community of accomplished ex-students, many of whom give back to our College through actively mentoring younger graduates.
Aside from a culture of academic excellence, our Co-curricular Sport and Activities programs' breadth and success truly differentiate Pymble from other schools. If you can dream it, Pymble is most likely delivering it! It is exciting to see our girls try new things and develop in ways they may never have imagined. From Fencing to Agriculture, AFL to Dance, and everything in between, let us take your daughter on a journey of self-discovery.
Pymble is a place of remarkable opportunities. Thank you for taking the time to find out more about us, and we look forward to welcoming you to the Pymble family.
Our College mission remains the foundation for our plans. We remain committed to creating a personalized learning environment for each Pymble girl, so she develops a passion for learning and scholarship, firm assurance of her worth, and the desire and values to contribute meaningfully to her local and global communities.
We will continue to journey toward our vision of providing an education for our girls that is universally acknowledged for its outstanding quality and exceptional opportunities. Five important values reflect our spirit, heritage, traditions, Christian beliefs as a Uniting Church school, and our commitment to providing meaningful, personal learning experiences for every Pymble girl.
For self and concern for others sustain and enhance our social, physical, and learning environment. We express care daily through considerate and compassionate attitudes and behavior.
Through the attributes of fortitude, the strength of character, resilience, and determination gives us the confidence to stand up for what is right, respond to others' needs, and make a positive, purposeful contribution to the world around us.
As evidenced through sincerity, a commitment to the truth, and habits of sound judgment and ethical conduct. By adhering to high principles, we develop the moral framework fundamental to achieving great personal fulfillment and contributing to society.
Enables the richness and diversity of all backgrounds, cultures, and abilities to be held in high regard. Through respect, we promote greater self-esteem in ourselves and others and create a community where achievement, education, life balance, and a love of learning are supported. Encourages leadership and initiative, a spirit of service and commitment, and the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the school community and, ultimately, society at large.

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