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Mueller College


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Mueller College aims to prepare its students for life in the world and eternity by applying Biblical principles through excellent education in a distinctly Christian environment.
The Bible is God’s inspired word and is the only authoritative guide in all matters of Christian faith and practice. GOD The Godhead is a Triunity of Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, of one essence, “acting in complemental, counterpane being and life,” eternal and infinite. MAN God created man in His image and likeness. Man failed to obey God so that sin entered the human race, separating man from God. Fallen humanity cannot save himself and remains in this state under Satan’s dominion until receiving spiritual life through Christ.
In grace, SALVATION, God made it possible for a man to be brought back to Himself by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world. Born of the virgin Mary, through the Holy Spirit’s power, true God and true Man, He was sinless in every respect. By His death and resurrection, He can save all who believe in Him. THE CHURCH The Church is the company of all true believers, formed by the Holy Spirit into one body, of which Christ is the Head.
THE LOCAL CHURCH There are local expressions of this body termed local churches. The ideal is that they all come together on the common ground of faith in Christ for praise, prayer, worship, and witness. CHURCH ORDINANCES Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are two ordinances of the Church. Baptism is that of believers only. By Believers commemorate the Lord’s Supreme believers in the breaking of bread, emblem of Christ’s broken body and drinking of wine, emblem of Christ’s shed blood until His second coming. THE SECOND COMING, The Lord Jesus Christ will return as Lord, King, and Judge.

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