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Mt Hira College


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The Australian curriculum devises the curriculum at Mt Hira College. It consists of eight key learning areas: English, Mathematics, Integrated Studies (History, Geography, and Science), Information Communications Technology, The Arts, Health and Physical Education, and Languages Other than English (Arabic and Turkish). Religious education is also taught as a compulsory subject at our school.
Mt Hira College offers a safe and nurturing environment that promotes ‘Lifelong Learning.’ An emphasis is put on students to excel and reach their fullest potential. Our curriculum and extra-curricular activities aim to be of a high standard with a focus on student-centered learning. The Mt Hira College family welcomes community involvement, and parents are seen as an integral part of their education. Our staff has high expectations from students not only in their learning but also in their behavior. Regular feedback is provided to parents via letters, phone calls, parent-teacher interviews, one on one meetings, and information evenings.

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