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    25 October 2022

    Govardhan Puja is an important Hindu festival celebrated in India every year. It is celebrated on the fourth day of Diwali, during the month of Kartik (October/November). This festival commemorates the story of Lord Krishna lifting the Govardhan Parvat (mountain) on his little finger to protect the people of Gokul from the wrath of Lord Indra.

    The festival of Govardhan Puja is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy all over India. On this day, devotees prepare a small hillock of cow dung and decorate it with flowers, fruits and sweets. This is known as Govardhan Parvat and is worshipped as a symbol of Lord Krishna's strength and power. People also offer prayers to Lord Indra and seek his blessings.

    The day of Govardhan Puja is also marked by the preparation of delicious sweets and savouries. People prepare dishes like kheer, halwa, puri, and other delicacies. These are offered to Lord Krishna as bhog and distributed to all the devotees.

    In the evening, people gather around the Govardhan Parvat for the aarti and then perform a puja to seek the blessings of Lord Krishna. After the puja, people share their love and joy by exchanging sweets and gifts.

    The festival of Govardhan Puja signifies the victory of good over evil. It is a reminder to all of us that the power of truth and love is stronger than any kind of materialistic force. It is a reminder to stay strong in our faith and beliefs and to never give up in the face of adversity.

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