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Best School in Gondia - Mount Litera Zee School Gondia


Mount Litera Zee School Gondia is a member of the K12 Pan India chain of Mount Litera Zee Schools under the aegis of Zee Learn Limited. The Mount Litera Zee School chain has many laurels in its cap for exemplary achievements in the Education sector. MLZS has a Pan India presence and a Universal learning system where the divide of big and small cities is bridged as all the students study the same curricula at the same time and the same pace.Mount Litera Zee School – Gondia houses state of the art infrastructure with the latest technological knowhow for holistic growth of the students. Security is of paramount importance and Mount Litera Zee School Gondia practices I-Care, a program dedicated to child safety.FLIP & DCP are the Co-scholastic offerings which enable students to explore their entrepreneurship skills and enable children to be cyber smart and counteract the technological challenges. Both these offerings are continuous and chart the growth and awareness of the students.Mount Litera Zee School is an aspiration of new learning’s and new exploration of talent without the constraints of Rote learning where understanding and clarity rules the day and mindless cramming is a thing of the past. Our students study in Smart classrooms wherein technology and knowledge are blended for retention and application. Socio Emotional skills are honed through various Clubs- and a plethora of personality building activities make ‘Learning Fun’.







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Six Things Parents Should Consider Before Selecting a CBSE School

Introduction With the commencement of the new academic year 2022-2023, parents are racing to enroll their children in the finest CBSE school available, where they may best improve their academic and social abilities. However, selecting a school is no longer as simple as picking a cupcake. One must inspect every component of the location where his or her kid will spend the following 14-15 years of his or her life. Aside from the school’s high-quality curriculum, there is a slew of other fact

Get Your Child Educated At Maharashtra's Best CBSE School

Becoming parents is probably one of the most surreal experiences of one’s life. But with great happiness comes the responsibility of making sure that your children grow up to become responsible citizens of tomorrow. And the only way to ensure that is through proper education. The things your child learns in school ultimately paves the path to their future. If you live in Maharashtra, you already know how diverse and developed the megacity is. There are various schools in Gondia. But if you truly

Top reason to choose the CBSE affiliated schools for your child

Children are like mold because how you mold them affects their future growth. So as parents, we all know that their future is in our hands. It is therefore a great responsibility of parents to provide their child with quality education for a better future. However, a child can receive basic education, such as how to wear school clothes, how to hold a pencil, how to eat and the like, at home. However, there are other important lessons that a child must learn. This learning will help them when the

Overall Development Of Students In Our CBSE School – MLZS Gondia

We’re all aware that the best time to learn is when you’re a child. However, in order for your child to be able to study and develop the necessary life skills, it is critical to pick a school that is a perfect fit for him or her. And the greatest schools in India are structured to ensure children’s overall growth. Choosing the appropriate school might be challenging, but your work may be made easier if you choose one of India’s best CBSE school.Here are some of the aspects that contribute to kid

Check our School Full Details

Mount Litera Zee School Gondia is a member of the K12 Pan India chain of Mount Litera Zee Schools under the aegis of Zee Learn Limited. The Mount Litera Zee School chain has many laurels in its cap for exemplary achievements in the Education sector. MLZS has a Pan India presence and a Universal learning system where the divide of big and small cities is bridged as all the students study the same curricula at the same time and the same pace.Mount Litera Zee School – Gondia houses state of the art

Choose Your School Wisely - Choose Best School for Child Future

Mount Litera Zee School Gondia is a member of the K12 Pan India chain of Mount Litera Zee Schools under the aegis of Zee Learn Limited. The Mount Litera Zee School chain has many laurels in its cap for exemplary achievements in the Education sector. MLZS has a Pan India presence and a Universal learning system where the divide of big and small cities is bridged as all the students study the same curricula at the same time and the same pace.Mount Litera Zee School – Gondia houses state of the art
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